Inside the Marine Innovation Unit’s Mission to Transform Military Capabilities
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As ongoing conflicts in Ukraine in the Middle East display the important roles of drones, unmanned vehicles and cybersecurity in modern warfare, experts in the defense industry continue to explore the impact of these game-changing technologies. At Disruptive Technologies for Defense Transformation from August 6-7 at the Downright Austin Hotel in Austin, Texas these experts will gather under one roof to discuss the future of defense technologies.
Over the course of this two-day event attendees from key offices in the U.S. Military will gather with industry thought leaders to delve into a range of topics from including Artificial Intelligence, Autonomy, Machine Learning, Cyber, Data & Cloud, Sensors, Satellites, and more. One of those key military offices that will be in attendance is the Marine Innovation Unit (MIU), where members are responsible for accelerating the adoption of advanced capabilities to the Marines. Captain Tony Owens, the Advanced Capabilities & Wargaming Lead at MIU, will be one of the units representatives at DTDT. Before Captain Owens presentation at the event, he sat down with IDGA to discuss MIU’s mission, and the unique perspective the team brings to accelerating innovation in the Marines.