Directed Energy Views from Lt. Gen Bradley Heithold & COL (R) John Haithcock
July 10 by IDGA EditorTake a look into how Lt. Gen Bradley Heithold envisions the Department of Defense’s Directed Energy Roadmap coming together as current Principal Deputy Director of Cost Assessment and Program Evaluati...
Next Generation Combat Vehicles Program Overview
July 10 by IDGA EditorIn this article we provide a key overview on the Next Generation Combat Vehicles Program and what's next when it comes to advancing the mobility, lethality, and protection of our Army's current fleet.
2018 Budget - Department of Homeland Security Report
July 06 by IDGA EditorThe President’s 2018 Budget requests $44.1 billion in net discretionary budget authority for The Department of Homeland Security, a $2.8 billion increase from 2017 annualized CR level. This increased...
2018 Missile Defense Agency Budget Request Highlights
June 15 by IDGA EditorThe 2018 Presidential budget request includes more than $9 Billion for modernization and development of our nation’s missile defenses. The primary agency reflected in those requests is the Missile Def...
Biometric Solutions at the Ministry of Interior Czech Republic
May 23 by IDGA EditorJiří Čelikovský, Head of Unit for Coordination of Schengen Cooperation and Border Patrol Ministry of Interior for the Czech Republic, touches on challenges the border patrol agencies are currently fac...
Pentagon Targets Airborne Laser Platforms For Missile Defense and Special Operations
April 13 by IDGA EditorWhile each of the U.S. armed services is developing directed energy technology largely for defense against small, weaponized unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), the Missile Defense Agency (MDA) wants to m...
New Techniques and Technology to Improve VA Healthcare
March 30 by IDGA EditorThe Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is exploring new techniques and technologies to enhance patient treatment and caregiver training, amid increasing demands from a mushrooming veteran population....
VA by the Numbers
March 17 by IDGA EditorHere is a glimpse into The President’s 2017 budget for Veterans Affairs as well as key investment areas, focus areas and some key facts and figures on where the department stands today. ...
Security Factors & Modernizing IT with NASA’s CIO
March 17 by IDGA EditorWe sat down with Renee Wynn, Chief Information Officer at NASA, for her perspective on the current landscape of IT within NASA:IT challenges being faced within NASAHow NASA is finding talent that can...
Perspectives on MILSATCOM from Former Army Space and Missile Defense COL
February 22 by IDGA EditorCOL (R) Art Loureiro, Former Chief of Plans of the Army Space and Missile Defense, U.S. Army, discusses with us short term solutions that the US military can utilize to meet SATCOM needs, technologies...
Key Armored Vehicle Requirements, Threats & Updates
January 30 by IDGA EditorGet your update on the 2017 global armored vehicles market including attributes that are critical in terms of requirements over the next 10 years, threats to armored vehicle survivability in North Ame...
Facial Recognition: Art or Science?
December 14 by IDGA EditorToday, innovative facial recognition technology techniques make it possible to generate investigative leads regardless of image quality. Part science and part art, these ...