Implications of the U.S Army Delivering Its Long Range Hypersonic Weapon
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The growth of the U.S. hypersonic industry has accelerated in the past decade as significant investments continue, notably in programs like Hypersonic Attack Cruise Missile, Army Long Range Hypersonic Weapon, and Navy Conventional Prompt Strike. While successful testing has brought hypersonic deployment closer for the United States, technological and operational challenges still exist in the space.
Dr. Mark Lewis, president and CEO of the Purdue Applied Research Institute (PARI), is well-versed in these challenges and the potential impact of hypersonics for the Defense Department. A renowned researcher, professor, and former deputy undersecretary of defense, Lewis brings a wealth of national security, scientific, and academic experience to the Institute for Defense and Government Advancement as chairman for the Hypersonic Weapons Summit, September 17 and 18 at the Bethesda Marriot in Maryland.
During this two-day event, senior representatives from major programs -- including the Air Force, Navy, Army, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, and the Missile Defense Agency, alongside perspectives from allied programs -- will provide a truly international outlook on hypersonic progress, challenges, and developments.
Before the summit, IDGA sat down with Dr. Lewis to discuss the status of hypersonics and what he looks forward to at this year’s event.