Future Vertical Lift 2020: Getting Future Vertical Lift Off the Ground
Add bookmarkWhat is needed – and what the U.S. military is pursuing – is
transformational change: a generational leap in vertical fleet capability.
The Future Vertical Lift initiative aims to deliver on that promise.
Established in 2008, FVL is nothing less than a plan to revolutionize the
entire vertical lift fleet, using new technology, materials, and designs that
have substantially greater range and speed and payload; are more
reliable and easier to maintain and operate; have lower operating costs;
and can reduce logistical footprints. The new generation of aircraft is
intended to serve for the next 25-40 years following their introduction in
the late 2020s.
The goal of FVL is to produce five aircraft types capable of replacing
the Army’s most important aircraft, such as its primary utility helicopter,
the UH-60 Blackhawk, and eventually the entire range of aircraft types,
from lightweight scout aircraft, such as the OH-58 Kiowa, to
heavyweight transport aircraft, such as the CH-47 Chinook. In total,
there are five aircraft types, or “Capability Sets,” that the military
expects FVL to deliver.
DOWNLOAD this exclusive, 11 page report to take a deep-dive into the past, present, and possible future of funding for FVL.