Chief Fetterman is a Division Chief with the Orange County Fire Authority (OCFA), where he oversees the Command and Emergency Planning Division, which is responsible for the Emergency Command Center, Emergency Management/Planning, and the Emerging Technology Liaison to the Information Technology Division.
Chief Fetterman has been in the Fire Service for over 28 years, holding a variety of roles, including Firefighter/Paramedic, SWAT Paramedic, Engineer, Captain, Administrative Captain, Battalion Chief, Hazmat Program Manager, ECC Duty Officer, US&R Program Manager of California Task Force 5, and Division Chief.
A leader passionate about Incident Management, Chief Fetterman is a qualified Plans Section Chief (Type 1), Strike Team Leader, and Division Supervisor and is currently serving as the Incident Commander for Orange County All-Hazard Incident Management Team #1. He also serves as the primary Plans Section Chief on the FEMA Urban Search and Rescue -Blue Incident Support Team with response experience on various local, state, and federal disasters, including the Oso Mudslide in Washington, the 2013 Colorado floods, the Surfside condominium collapse in Florida, and Hurricanes Matthew, Maria, Florence, and many others.
In 2022, Kevin was part of an international delegation that traveled to Israel to learn about and participate in a full-scale Search and Rescue exercise with the Israeli National Response Unit and its Search and Rescue Professionals.
In 2024, on behalf of the IAFC, Kevin testified to the United States House of Representatives, Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology, and the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence on the topic of Unmanned Aerial Systems: An Examination of the Use of Drones in Emergency Response”.
Kevin also serves on the IAFC Technology Council, focusing on the Fire Service's ability to prepare, respond to, and recover from Incidents by adopting new technologies and considering the "people, process, and technology" factors when integrating solutions
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