The Year Ahead: Advancements in Operational Energy and Their Impact On Soldier Lethality

The Year Ahead: Advancements in Operational Energy and Their Impact On Soldier Lethality

In October 2017, the Acting Secretary of the Army and Chief of Staff of the Army established six Army modernization priorities to focus future investments. 6th on the list was soldier lethality. The delivery of accessible, renewable and powerful energy solutions will play a significant role in enhancing future operations and soldier lethality. With this in mind, the DoD has laid out 3 key objectives for their 2020 operational energy strategy:

  1. Increase future warfighting capability
  2. Identify and reduce logistics and operational risks
  3. Enhance mission effectiveness of the current force.

To support these objectives, the Department has requested more than $3.6 billion to fund the execution of numerous OE initiatives in 2020. These investments will support: 

  • The procurement of new equipment and/or upgrades of existing equipment
  • The development of improved propulsion capabilities
  • The adaption of plans, concepts, and wargames to account for increasing logistical risks and sustainment
  • Integrate energy considerations into the development of new capabilities

DOWNLOAD this Mega-Infographic to learn more about how the DoD will evolve its operational strategy in 2020. 

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