In this interview from a previous iteration of the Military Radar Summit, Dr. Roy (Troy) Olsson, Program Manager in the Microsystems Technology Office at DARPA, sheds light on the challenges faced at DARPA, where efforts are currently focused, how Adaptive RF Technologies translate into a military situation, the development of elemental digital beam forming (DBF) as a game changer for radar systems, and more.
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In anticipation of the 10th Annual Military Radar Summit, we spoke with Lieutenant General Pierre St-Amand (RCAF), Deputy Commander, NORAD, about his participation at the summit, as well as some of the future strategies of NORAD. During our conversation, the Lieutenant General provided insight into NORAD's plans and strategies on aerospace warning and aerospace control missions, addressing radar interference from authorized and unauthorized activity, innovative solutions to combat aerospace and maritime threats, and more. Download his interview today, or have it sent right to your inbox.
Ahead of the 10th Annual Military Radar Summit, Commander Ernest Winston, Airborne Electronic Attack Requirements Officer, U.S. Navy, provides insight into The Next Generation Jammer program, including its technological advancements, lessons learned, and strategies for addressing emerging threats. Read his interview today! If you would like, we can send it straight to your inbox.
Did you miss the 2017 Military Radar Summit, or want a refesher of who was there? Well we have the resource for you! Check out the 2017 MIlitary Radar Post Show Report today. Featuring attendee snapshots, quotes, featured speakers and more, this is a can't miss read. If you want it sent directly to your inbox, email us today at with the subject line Radar Post Show.
We sat down with Dr. Joseph R. Guerci, Chairman of the 12th Military Radar Summit, and asked him his thoughts on the future of Radar. Take a look at his thought provoking answers here.
In preparation for Military Radar 2019, we wanted to exclusively share these past presentations with you. Below you will find expert content on:
From the last iteration of the Military Radar Summit, the first annual Military Radar E-Magazine. We have put together some of the most thought provoking articles and interviews about Military Radar, including experts weighing in on cognitive radar, an interview with Dr. Joseph R. Guerci, IEEE Fellow and Chairman of the summit (including a personal letter from him), an article about prioritizing critical radar initiatives, and more! Enjoy this year's Military Radar Summit Magazine. Download today, or we can send it right to your inbox.
Dr. Ram Narayanan, IEEE Fellow and Professor, Pennsylvania State University, presents on:
Troy Orwan, DoD CIO, Spectrum Policy & International Engagements, presents on:
William Baldygo, Chief, Multi-Domain Sensing Autonomy Division, Sensors Directorate, Air Force Research Laboratory, presents on:
The need for increased capability to spot and identify enemy air, land and sea targets, while also upgrading the ability to detect incoming enemy aircraft, missiles or drones are expected to spark growth in the global military radar market over the next 10 years. This piece speaks to where how and where budgets are being allocated in the US and globally. If you would like this sent right to your inbox, just email us at
Samuel Bendett, Research Analyst, Russia Studies Program, Center for Naval Analysis, presents a review of Russian electronic warefare tactics.
From our last iteration of the Military Radar Summit, the Third annual Military Radar E-Magazine. We have put together some of the most thought provoking articles and interviews on Military Radar including, Army IBCS Missile Defense System Tracks Jets Despite Jamming and NORAD’s Perspective on Radar, a personal letter from our Chairman Dr. Joseph R. Guerci and more. Download today, or we can send it right to your inbox.
Jerald Nespor, Chief Engineer/ Senior Radar Fellow, Lockheed Martin, presents on next generation sensors in military radar.
Dr. Kevin Wagner, Electrical Engineer, Naval Research Laboratory, presents on machine learning for military radar detection and cognition.