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1-2 January, 2016 | Hilton Alexandria Mark Center, Alexandria , VA

Tools, Technologies, and Techniques for Advanced Radar Systems

There is no question that we live in increasing challenging times. This increasing hostility and changing international relationships means that it’s more important now than ever that we are substantially increasing our detection capabilities of foreign assets great and small. UAV’s are becoming an asset that nearly every nation possesses and we must improve not only their capabilities but our ability to detect them. In the Radar arena every new technology is critical and every second counts.

Despite the remaining specter of sequestration, our top minds and agencies in military radar have been tasked with improving small target detection, SWAP-C, resiliency to electronic warfare, interference management, modular upgrades, and autonomous radar assets. In order to accomplish this, the military has put out a number of significant RFPs and requirements. It will take a seamless collaboration of the top agencies, OEMs, military branches, and contractors to achieve these goals.

In light of this state of affairs, this year’s Military Radar Summit brings together key stakeholders that work in this space to collaborate and strategize for 2016. This year’s program will provide you with everything you need to make a plan to improve your radar resiliency,catch up to foreign developments, implement the newest scientific capabilities, overcome functional challenges, and upgrade your existing resources.

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