Marathon’s Mission is to create ‘Pre-Combat Veterans’ by training against an Army of Intelligent Autonomous Robots.
A USMC End-user Evaluation concluded Autonomous Robotic Training Systems (ARTS) were “a vast improvement in training modality over existing target systems, and was value added in all training events/scenarios conducted.”
ARTS are a disruptive technology that transforms live fire training on small arms ranges from ‘improving marksmanship’ to ‘winning firefights.’ Unprecedented increases in live fire lethality have been obtained “in just one day.”
Shoot one robot in live fire or virtual, and the other robots scatter for cover, or self-organizing a swarming, shouting counterattack. Robots are armored, can run a marathon at near-record speed, talk in multiple languages, groan and shriek when wounded or killed, and can see just as well in the night as the day – a thinking, adaptive, and unpredictable enemy force for live fire or virtual.
Robots can also be integrated into the STE, used as robotic role players for pattern of life, robotic rifle qualification, engagement with both lasers and non-lethal munitions, as well as ‘impossible training’ like overhead fires.
ARTS also dramatically reduce the cost and time of range modernization through ZIRM (Zero Infrastructure Range Modernization). Three USMC ranges projected at $30 million, came in for less than $5 million – in months not years.
ARTS are used by militaries on 4 continents and multiple NATO countries. The USMC is the DOD’s most experienced user with 5 years of experience at all major CONUS installations, 3 years OCONUS ranges, and exercises involving 50+ robots – all controlled by a single operator.
6th Generation ARTS can be either purchased or provided as a Training-as-a-Service. 98% of our robot operators are military veterans. Marathon has 25 offices on 4 continents to support Partner nations.