Lieutenant Colonel Dave Hill

Chair, Australian Defence Force Wargaming Association Australian Army

Lieutenant Colonel David (Dave) Hill entered the Australian Army in 1996. In December 1999, following graduation from the Royal Military College – Duntroon, he was allocated to the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps. As a junior officer, he attended the Aerial Delivery Materiel Officer Course at the Quartermaster School, Fort Gregg-Adams and subsequently specialised as a Parachute Rigger Officer. Additionally, he held a range of regimental and staff appointments in logistics, signals, headquarters, and training units.

As a field grade officer, Lieutenant Colonel Hill, held a sub-unit command appointment, completed a yearlong Thai language course and attended the Royal Thai Army Command and General Staff College. On graduation from staff college he held a variety of headquarters appointments prior to being posted as the Australian Exchange Officer at the National Simulation Center, Fort Leavenworth. In 2021, on return to Australia, Lieutenant Colonel Hill was promoted to his current rank and held the SO1 Land Simulation and Wargaming appointment. In 2025, Lieutenant Colonel Hill is posted as the SO1 Sustain within the American, British, Canadian, Australian and New Zealand Armies’ Program Office in Washington D.C.

Lieutenant Colonel Hill has completed several United States Army wargaming and simulation courses including the Army Modelling and Simulation Office’s Simulation Operations Course and the Introduction to Wargaming Course. Within the Australian Army, he was responsible for the creation of the Director General Training and Doctrine Professional Gaming List, establishing the Army Tactics Competition and is the Chair of the Australian Defence Force Wargaming Association.

Conference Day 2 - February 26


  • Multi-Domain Operations in NATO 
  • What needs to be done to expand the use of wargaming  
  • How wargaming and synthetic training can be used together to enhance cumulative learning across the alliance in a campaign approach 
  • NATO’s Next Generation of Modelling and Simulation Programme 
  • How Australia is building out its wargaming program 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Dave.

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