Captain Phillipe Desjardins

TDev Instructor, Canadian Forces Training Development Center Canadian Armed Forces

Captain Philippe Desjardins joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 2007 as an infanteer in the Primary Reserves. Between 2008 and 2017 he was employed as an Infantry Officer, participating in various tasks in Canada. He deployed in 2016 on Op REASSURANCE in Poland as a liaison Officer for the Canadian Land Task Force. In 2019 he completed his component transfer as a Training Development Officer (TDO). He since then worked with the Royal Canadian Air Force at 2 Air Expeditionary Training Squadron to prepare and validate oversea training and then with 450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron as their school TDO. He is now employed as an instructor, helping qualify new TDOs in Borden, Ontario.

Conference Day 2 - February 26


  • How the NATO countries align on training programs 
  • Examples of successful joint synthetic training programs across NATO nations 
  • Understanding how NATO training programs differ from working with individual nation’s armies 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Phillipe.

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