CAPT James assumed command of NAWCTSD/NSA Orlando on 15 June 2023 after serving two years as Executive Officer. Before reporting to NAWCTSD, CAPT James served as the Deputy Program Manager for Unmanned Carrier Aviation Mission Control System (DPM for UMCS) for PEO(U&W)/PMA-268’s Unmanned Carrier Aviation program. As DPM he led a Government-led development and integration effort including, Unmanned Air Warfare Control Centers, control stations, C4I systems, and coordination of all MQ-25 capabilities across system segments (CVN, C2/sensor, air vehicle) and stakeholders. Prior to UMCS, CAPT James was the Lead Systems Integrator responsible for cross-IPT / cross-program / test / training / advanced development / SYSCOM efforts for PMA-268 Unmanned Carrier Aviation.
CAPT James previously served as the Military Deputy Director (MilDep) of Cross Warfare Programs (PDX) and Program Manager of Ready Relevant Learning (RRL) at Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) in Orlando, FL. As PDX MilDep, his primary duties were overseeing the Sailor 2025 Content Reengineering programs, Naval Service Training Center programs, and various special programs with a total FYDP budget in excess of $1.5B. Prior to PDX, CAPT James was the NAWCTSD MilDep for Aviation (PDA), where he helped lead a team of 103 civilians, military, and contractors in the management of 29 aviation training programs executing $650M FY16 Total Obligation Authority to develop and service training systems for the entire Navy/Marine Corps aviation portfolio.
Prior to assignment at NAWCTSD, CAPT James was the Program Manager for twelve Group 1-3 Unmanned Arial Systems for the Fixed Wing Program Executive Office, HQ US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), MacDill AFB, FL. He was responsible for the cost, schedule, performance, and risk associated with Special Operations small and medium sized Unmanned Aircraft Systems.
Before serving as the UAV Group 1-3 PM, CAPT James was the Executive Officer (XO) for the Acquisition Executive (AE), USSOCOM in Tampa, FL. As the XO, he was responsible for assisting the AE in analyzing the execution of SOF research, development, acquisition, and logistics programs totaling over $3.2B annually.
CAPT James’ first SOCOM assignment was as the Assistant Program Manager for Sensitive Activities in Program Executive Office for Special Operations Forces Warrior Systems (PEO(SW)). There he directed the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution of USSOCOM’s Foreign Material Acquisition program and the acquisition portfolio for the Joint Interagency Task Force, National Capitol Region.
In 2009 CAPT James was re-designated from Naval Aviator to Aerospace Engineering Duty Officer (AEDO) and detailed to Patuxent River, MD as the Integrated Product Team Lead for multiple T-45 (jet trainer) systems including the Virtual Mission Training System, the Propulsion System, and the Power Systems.
Prior to AEDO designation, CAPT James’ assignments included serving as the Flag Aide to Navy Region Southwest; Officer-In-Charge of Maritime Expeditionary Security Detachment 712; and Pilot / LSO / Assistant Ops Officer / Safety Officer / NATOPS / Conventional Weapons Officer for VS-22.
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