Sponsorship Opportunities | Military Simulation Training

Why Sponsor Military Simulation Training?

Whether your objective is to break into new markets, cement your reputation as a leading defence technology provider or make sure that you are front of mind with your target customers, Military Simulation Training provides you with the ideal platform to get your message across.

Focused and high-level, the event will be an excellent platform to initiate new business relationships. With tailored networking, you can achieve the face-to-face contact that overcrowded trade shows cannot deliver.

Features of sponsorship can include:

  • Thought-leadership opportunities
  • Prominent exhibition space in the main conference networking area
  • Complimentary entry passes
  • Participation in comprehensive pre-event marketing campaigns
  • Tailored networking to suit your organisation’s size, capabilities and individual requirement

To learn more about these and other business opportunities please contact Jessica Scannapieco (Partnership Manager) directly at partner@iqpc.co.uk. or fill in the short form below: