Lieutenant Colonel Y.J.G-E.N Leclerc-Desjardins

Commandant, The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School (RCAS) Canadian Armed Forces

Lieutenant-Colonel Leclerc-Desjardins was born in Lévis, Québec, to a military family. He enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces as an Artillery Officer in 2005 and subsequently completed his degree, commissioned, and went on to finish his artillery training at the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School (RCAS) in 2007.

His regimental time spanned three artillery regiments. As a junior officer he served in 5e Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada (5 RALC), as an instructor at the RCAS, and as Regimental Command Post Officer at 4th Artillery Regiment (General Support), RCA. There he was later promoted and had the privilege to command 129 Battery.

His staff assignments include being the Operations Targeting Officer and Chief of Engagements at the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC), the Strategic Effects Operations and Plans Team Lead at the Strategic Joint Staff, and finally the Section head for Security Awareness Training and Education with Director General Defence Security.

Operationally he was deployed on two expeditionary operations and one domestic operation. In 2009 his first deployment was on a gunline in Afghanistan with R Battery, 2e Battalion Royale 22e Régiment. In November 2015 he deployed as a targeting officer on Operation IMPACT. In January 2017 after a record ice storm, he deployed to the Acadian Peninsula in New Brunswick, as Task Forces commander. His efforts have seen him receive a CTC Top Instructor commendation, a Joint Task Force Commander commendation, and two CJOC Command Commendations, one for targeting and the second for his work as Task Force Commander during the ice storm.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Geography from McMaster University and a Master of Defence Studies from the Royal Military College of Canada. Additionally, he is a graduate of the Canadian Army Command and Staff College as well as the Canadian Forces College Joint Command and Staff Programme.

LCol Leclerc-Desjardins is blessed with a loving and very patient wife, Kelly, as well as their four children, Joshua, Arthur, Benjamin, and Sabine, who do their best to keep them busy and tired. They have a wonderful dog and enjoy travelling and hiking.

Agenda Day 2


  • Exploring allied nations priorities and strategies for indirect fire capability development, looking at modernization efforts  
  • Analyzing the role of current conflicts in fire capability assessment and needs 
  • Reflecting on unique challenges faced by the various nations represented, a look at the path forward 

Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Y.J.G-E.N.

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