Allison Miller

Team Lead, Latent Print Examination Services Army Criminal Investigation Division

Ms. Miller is an International Association for Identification (IAI) Certified Latent Print Examiner (CLPE) with eighteen years of experience with the Department of Defense (DoD) in the fields of biometrics and latent prints. Currently leading the Latent Print Examination Services Team for the Department of Army Criminal Investigation Division (DACID) Biometric Operations Department (BOD). Ms. Miller is an affiliate and task group lead on the National Institute Standards and Technology (NIST) Organization of Scientific Area Committees (OSAC) Facial and Iris Identification Subcommittee. Ms. Miller is also the Vice Chair on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Advisory Panel Board (APB) Identification Services Subcommittee and a member of the IAI Facial Identification Subcommittee. Ms. Miller received a certificate in Federal/DoD Identity Management from the Naval Postgraduate School in 2010 and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree from West Virginia University in 2006. Ms. Miller is a native of West Virginia where she lives with her family. She spends her time exploring the beauty of her home state and is an amateur lunar photographer.

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