Powering Multi-Domain Operations with Advanced Sensing & Intelligence

August 12 - 13, 2025 | Sheraton Reston Hotel, Reston, VA

Dr. Mitch Crosswait

Deputy Director, Net-centric, Space and Missile Defense Systems Office of the Secretary of Defense-Director, Operational Test and Evaluation

Dr. Crosswait oversees operational testing and evaluation of a wide portfolio of defense programs including space and missile defense programs, as well as net-centric programs that include command and control, communications, and cyber capabilities. He also leads the Cyber Assessment Program, which provides threat-realistic cyber red team capabilities to support major Combatant Command exercises to help improve the Department’s defensive and offensive cyber capabilities

Dr. Crosswait previously worked as a director in the Department of Homeland Security, as a professional staff member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, and in the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Program Analysis and Evaluation office. He also worked as a contractor at TRW, and his first job was as a naval officer in the Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program.

Dr. Crosswait received a Bachelor of Science in Applied and Engineering Physics from Cornell University, and a Ph. D. in nuclear engineering from MIT.