Eileen Vidrine

CDAI for the Department of the Air Force (retired) IDGA

Eileen Vidrine is a na,onal security execu,ve, U.S. Army veteran and the former Chief Data and Artificial Intelligence officer for the Department of the Air Force. Ms. Vidrine possesses more than 35 years of experience leading transforma,ve change ini,a,ves in defense, intelligence, air and space. A visionary leader within the Federal Senior Execu,ve Service, she was handpicked as the first strategic advisor for data to the Federal chief informa,on officer, where she spearheaded data and emerging technology strategies. In her leadership roles, Ms. Vidrine has consistently driven innova,on by establishing new programs that enhance workforce capabili,es and promote best prac,ces in data management and AI. Known for her ability to disrupt outdated processes, she has built high-performance teams and cul,vated collabora,ve work cultures that value individual skills, inspire confidence and foster professional growth. She con,nues to mentor and develop the next genera,on of data and AI leaders. She was recently named to the Blackhat AI Security Council and is an advisory board member to the Mark Cuban AI Founda,on. Ms. Vidrine's contribu,ons to the AI and data community have been recognized with pres,gious awards, including the AIM AI 100 Visionary Leader, CDO Magazine Execu,ve of the Year 2023 and the DataIQ 2024 Life,me Achievement Award. Ms. Vidrine received her M.S. in Systems Management from the University of Southern California and aWended execu,ve leadership programs at the Harvard Kennedy School.

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